This week , I am writing on a social issue that is coming to light from every direction at the moment.
I ask you, in what world is it okay for ANY type of sexual abuse? This includes sexual assault and sexual misconduct as well.
The reason that I pose this question is that I see different views on it and wanted to touch on this very personal issue.
In recent weeks we have been watching as sexual misconduct accusations are coming to light in all aspects of society. It is especially disturbing hearing so many cases being brought to the forefront. Suspicions and accusations have always been spoken about in regards to politics, Hollywood and high society. The reason why it is so hard to swallow is that it seems that lately, every day there is a new accusation. This to me is very disturbing and unsettling. What is more disturbing is the fact that I am hearing a lot of attitudes that are nonchalant or accusatory towards the victims.
Some people do not care. The reasons are their own of course, and it could be they are not directly affected by it that they have no say in the matter. I can both understand and respect that view.
Some people are critical of the victims. They are wondering why they have never stepped forward until now. In some cases it has been 30 years since the incidents have taken place. There are those that stand by the accused and have very ignorant remarks regarding the allegations. This is what has provoked me to write about this subject today.
Let us look at a different perspective. The perspective of the victims. So many factors are involved in remaining quiet that we cannot judge some one who does not come forward. Fear is usually the driving force. For others it is shame. There are cases of threats, physical abuse that keeps them quiet, blackmail (this is especially true in positions of power or affluence) and of course ruining someones life.
From a perspective of victim, terror is a huge factor. Being terrified and feeling stuck and full of shame, full of regret, full of self loathing. If this has never happened to you, you will never know what it feels like to be helpless and alone. And please do not judge someone for this either, they have enough to contend with.
Now, I am not saying that all accusations are truth. We are well aware of how deceitful people can be especially in regards to money and power. Some people have something to gain by destroying someone else's life. And this is just as disturbing as the cases that are legit.
One thing that we need to do is begin to empower ourselves. We need to help empower others so that they may find their strength. This is my reason for writing this.
Let us Stand Up! Let us Speak Up! Let us make it okay to tell someone when something bad happens to us so that we are not afraid or embarrassed. Let us make it okay For our normal reaction to tell someone and get help rather than hide in the shadows and harm ourselves by shaming ourselves. The people who harm others are the ones who should be shamed and the more that people come forward the better it will be in the long run, I truly believe this.
Let us stop shaming, stop hating.
Stand up for ourselves!
Stand up for each other!
Speak up for yourself!
Speak up for others!
Do not remain silent. Speak on the offenses right away, do not let time get away from you. Tell someone, there is always someone out there that will listen. There is someone out there who will care. Take it from me, there is help. There is hope.
Love wins!!!
Excellent for all the right reasons stated!
Truth spoken
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