This one is about kindness. A simple, selfless act that can spread from one person to another.
I ask you, is the act of being kind disappearing? Or is it being shrouded by all of the hatred running rampant in our world? Gone are the days of peace, love and happiness. In all actuality though, were the past times really better? We talked a big game, but hatred was running rampant then as well. There were many who believed in peace and love and wanted to spread happiness but they were met with much resistance. People did not want to change their ways or make a move to help change the world. Things that did change were respect, hard work, dignity, family values, discipline, kindness and empathy. Hate crimes were a normal thing back then and times are no better now. Corruption, greed, racism and entitlement were always around. They were hidden better since there were no computers or cell phones back then. Technology has made us the most narcissistic society. But problems have always been here and I do believe logically that they will always be here.
So, all that can be changed is ourselves. Really, we are our own keepers. If we make an effort to change our behaviors and change our perspective, it will make a huge difference in our lives. It changes you, it has a positive effect which in turn can affect those around you. The changes that have happened over the years has resulted in a lack of respect for others, a loss of dignity in ourselves, a loss of pride of a people, a destruction of community and a lack of human kindness. I see so many people throughout the day that believe that they are entitled to something simply for being present in this world. They think that they alone are more deserving of something than others. They have never been humbled or forget when they were and believe that they are more in need than others. It really is a sad state.
Imagine being in line at a store. Standing in line behind an elderly lady. The cashier is engaging in conversation with the woman. The person behind you, begins tapping their foot. They begin mumbling under their breathe. They begin cursing under their breathe. Tapping more loudly, with keys in hand. They begin talking out loud, saying "some people have things to do, some people do not have time for you to be nice to everyone". The cashier finishes up with the lady and it is now your turn. The cashier kindly thanks you for your patience and smiles. You smile back. This situation happens everywhere now, more and more you see people become angry at others for taking up moments of their precious time. They do not stop to think that maybe, that cashier made that lady so happy. Maybe, that elderly woman was alone. Maybe she just had a tragedy. Maybe she just needed a smile and kind words. It really is disgusting. Everyone is in a hurry to get nowhere, fast. As if being an asshole and complaining will make anything happen more quickly. Now, I am not the most patient person in the world. I will admit that and I work on it everyday. But, I do appreciate the kindness of others and if that takes two extra minutes, then so be it. It brings a smile to my face which in turn makes me smile more. And sometimes even a simple smile means the world to someone.
Practice kindness everyday, you will begin to see a difference in your perspective. You will begin to feel better and your heart will become fuller. It does not take much, only a small gesture most times.
Offer a water and a piece of fruit to the homeless person on the side of the store instead of walking by them, avoiding them or just shaking your head.
Hold the door open for someone.
If someone drops something, help them pick it up.
Smile and make eye contact with everyone that you encounter on the street, the store or at work.
Make an effort to do something kind for someone at least once per day.
This will make you feel better. It will give you a moment to reflect on how good you have it. It will put things into a positive light for you. That simple act of kindness will spread.
If we all took one moment out of our daily lives to help someone else, smile at someone or ask someone how their day is going, it could make a difference. Remember, change begins with one.
The state of our world is deplorable. Everyone rushes by, always out for number one. Well, I get that. In a sense, we have to look out for ourselves because no one else will. However, we should also practice kindness everyday. Karma watches and when we live the selfish, entitled life, it will come back to us.
I simply leave you with this, be kind. Practice kindness. Preach kindness. Teach kindness. By God...spread kindness.
Peace, Love and Happiness always
So very true!
Very well said and so TRUE! Love it!
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