Wednesday, October 9, 2024

The Story of The Hearts

I had no idea that I have neglected this Blog for so long. I will admit that not having a decent computer and the ability to focus does tend to hamper things a bit. I say it everytime so this time, I will refrain from saying that "I will be better about posting" I wanted to share a little story about hearts with all of you. Some of you already know, some do not. Some share the same situations, some don't get it (or don't want to haha) Here I am in the desert, having transplanted myself from Lancaster, PA all the way back in 2001. I arrived in Apache Junction with a population of roughly 37,000 people. Learning to adjust to this harsh environment and all of the crazy terrain within, I walked blindly and barefoot onto the hot, red dirt. I moved here in full blown summer, how was I to know what I was signing up for? I researched everything else except the fact that I was driving in to a furnace. Side note, I do not recommend moving here in a UHaul running on gasoline fumes unable to use the AC. The cool part (back then) about living in Apache Junction was definately the quiet, the slow pace, the nature and the small town vibe. It unfortunately has become a victim of developers and over population as most beautiful places become. I now live in Phoenix, but that my friends is a story for another time. Let us get back to the hearts. When I moved here my children at the time were 9 and 4. I had to find ways to keep them entertained and excited about this new place that we moved to. We lived in a very natural setting. Our house was situated on lots of property and surrounded by desert washes, various cactus varieties and trees. Daily, the kids and I would tend to my sisters horses and then go for walks, which my kids lovingly referred to as exploring adventures. We would watch DORA or Blues Clues and Sponge Bob and then go off to explore the desert. I quickly fell in love with this barren, hot and unforgiving place. Our view was made that much better by the Superstition Mountains standing watch over all of us. At this time in my life, my life was just as unforgiving as this desert. It was chaotic and ugly. The beautiful thing that kept me moving forward was (and always will remain) my children. They were the most perfect part of life. They kep me grounded, taught me things daily, showed me how to be softer, kept me focused on the now, let me be silly and loved me unconditionally. I always looked forward and kept my head held up high no matter what came my way. My children took in all the wonder of this land and we would explore every part that we could, it became our thing. We had something that no one else shared with us. It was our bonding time. After some time, life tilted, it became unfamiliar and scary. The one thing that remained was me being able to walk out of my front door and stand on the warm dirt. Grounding became my thing, before it was a "fad" On my travels and exploration of different parts of the desert, I began feeling a tug in my heart. A comfortable peace would wash over me and I would suddenly look down, sometimes up but mostly down. I would look down and rocks would just seemingly push their way through the dirt and sand mixture. A shape appeared and suddenly revealed a shape of a heart. Not the realistic, anatomy shape but the familiar, grade school paper cut out shape. Over time, every walk would produce a heart along the way. Sometimes, I would pick one up and lovingly hold it in my palm feeling the warmth, instantly comforted. Some times I would put on in my pocket and take it home with me. I began a lovely collection of heart rocks and other objects. I kept them in my house as well as in my little rock garden in the front. They were surrounded by my stones and runes. It became a little piece of me that I would share with those who understood the signifigance. I did not have much self love you see. That was never something that I was taught to do. And any sense of self worth was beaten, berated and stolen from me every time it showed up to the conversation. Once the book of my life took a turn and a new chapter was started, this was when hearts began appearing. I took it as a sign to learn to slow down and pay attention to what the Universe is sharing with me. Something was telling me that love is all around me and inside of me and it was time to embrace it. When I mentioned it to most, they thought me strange or didn't see what I saw. Others exclaimed that they too saw them and that brought me happiness! Others were able to feel the pull of this beautiful, special imagery. The reason that I wanted to share this little story with all of you is because I have met others in my journey that see them and post them on social media and it is so cool! It has become a little movement, spreading love!I love seeing the many different things that hearts appear. I have personally experienced rocks, cactus, leaves, water spots, soap bubbles and food! It is super cool. I hope you enjoyed this little memory of mine. I am including of course pics of many that I have found. I cannot seem to shrink the pics so you are getting them in your face haha. I hope that you will be inspired to take a moment and look around. I hope that hearts appear to you as well so you are reminded that love surrounds us all and that love is the key. With love we will survive. I leave you with Peace, Love and Laughter....Ti <3
Wow....time indeed does fly.


Anonymous said...

Love it!

Anonymous said...

Love your special heart!

Anonymous said...

I love this!! 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕👻🌺

Veemo714 said...

This was beautiful!! I love this !! Thank you for sharing !! More love is for sure needed all around us !! It’s also our job to keep spreading love ✨♥️

yolanda archuleta said...

That was beautiful ❤️

Anonymous said...

It’s such a beautiful symbol that appears whenever we need a little reminder ♥️ -melly

Tiannepitz said...

I thank you all for reading but most importantly taking something away from this little lovely piece. The really special part is the love that I have for all of you. Thanks again for bringing a smile to my face!